Family address By Mark Philip-Sorensen.

This address is a longer version and variation of the Danish Eulogy.


My father was a great lover of jazz and before I share my words with you. I would like to read some lyrics of song    sung by Louis Armstrong which we all listened to together with him on his last day.  The lyrics are titled "Dream A Little Dream Of Me" ,and they go…..

  • Stars shining bright above you
  • Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
  • Birds singing in a sycamore tree
  • Dream a little dream of me.
  • Say "Nightie-night" and kiss me
  • Just hold me tight and tell me    you'll miss me
  • While I'm alone    and blue as can be
  • Dream a little dream of me.
  • Stars fading but I linger on, dear, still craving your kiss
  • I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear, just saying this
  • Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
  • Sweet dreams that leave all worries far behind you
  • But in your dreams whatever they be
  • Dream a little dream of me.


Clear blue skies, birds tweeting, Louis Armstrong playing and a Swiss train tooting. These are the last memories we have, of being with our father. In those last few hours everything was peaceful and perfect. He couldn't have planned a better day to leave us.  In fact…… was a fantastic day.


Nils Jorgen Philip Sorensen was    a remarkable man. He was a husband, a father, and a grand father. He was an entrepreneur, a leader and a friend. Nothing can replace him.

Well ….may be …apart from the carrying   of a leather bag, the sound of a glass of whisky with ice chinking, the smell of a Cohiba cigar, and the love of a toy plane!


Born in 1938 to Eric and Britta as the eldest son, he was a naughty boy at the beginning but soon grew to become a natural leader. Chanting those famous Securitas words vigilance, integrity and helpfulness. And from this little boy with blue eyes and blond hair and some may say a sneaky, inquisitive but gentle smile, 

He has achieved, he has seen, and he has done things, that many of us can only dream of.


Through out his work with G4S, Ecover, and many other companies under his guidance, he has met all types of people from all over the world. You may have only spent a few minutes with my father  but as with everyone he would leave a permanent impression of inspiration for them to build  business or career on. This is a gift which is truly unique.


On 3rd November 2006 JPS was awarded an honorary MA degree from the University of Worcester in recognition of his contribution to the West Midlands economy. This was one award he was very proud of. And on this very spot where I am standing here today he gave a speech to those students. I would like to read to you all extract of this.…

“I was not very bright at school! But I was very happy.

I learned a lot, maybe less about important school subjects but more about sport, companionship, music and leadership. But above all, I learned about people!  And that, in particular, has been of enormous help in my career as a businessman. And I have no hesitation in saying that this is largely due to what the teachers gave me during my school days.

Each year I was moved up the school from form to form as scheduled, but with a difference - each summer before we broke up, the Headmaster told me that I was moved up on trial! My Parents got rather accustomed to this news and were never very pleased!"

The number of people here today and the letters we have received is a clear demonstration that JPS did succeed at school and he did understood PEOPLE.


On visiting him in Switzerland before Christmas I had the opportunity to discuss a few things with him. These were:

  1. that he needed to sets his sights low each day and
  2. that there was no room for heroes.

On this memorable occasion he agreed that it would be a good idea to take on board these two points. Although I feel that this helped him, looking back now I feel that even THIS must have been a great challenge for him. Why, because he always set his sights high and he was and still IS a hero to all of us today.


During those last few weeks in the Clinque Genolier my sisters, Susse and I noticed that he had been using his signature smile to it's maximum effect. We saw that he had all the staff at the Clinque wrapped around his finger wanting to do everything they could and putting in the extra effort in looking after him and more importantly for him, looking after us. 

Even though he was there for a relatively short period of time I know that they had great loyalty towards him and held him very close to their hearts. This is a testament to his en-dearing personality


He was a confident man and very rarely lost for words. Always able to do an impromptu speech which would be memorable, personal and touching, or say a few wise words during a meeting, dinner or party. However, there was one occasion when I believe that his confidence was tested and when even HE may have been lost for words.

Approximately 30 years ago he was in a First Class seat on a flight to Singapore. Sitting next to him apparently, was a huge man and his equally huge wife looking through some brochures.  He could not help noticing what they were looking at and after one hours’s flying time took the courage and introduced himself.  The huge man next to him was very polite and asked him questions about his work and Group 4 to which my father eagerly replied.

But, after a period of time he had to follow business etiquette and prepared with his mental list of business questions, asked

 “Sir, what line of business are you in?”  The reply was short and concise, “Sir, – I am the King of Tonga?”


At the northern most tip of Denmark, in a small coastal town our now father now lies in peace. This place is called Skagen and has always been close to his soul. Even from a small boy he loved this beautiful and special place which gave plenty of joy, relaxation from his global lifestyle and enabled him to spend time with his family and friends.

On visiting him in hospital I always told him think and dream of Skagen when giving him a kiss goodnight, something which his blue eyes always glowed too!

However, we will never forget that he had a great love of England and a fondness for everything British. No more so than the love of his Farncombe home and Estate where as a large family we had many memorable Easter BBQ’s and Christmas Carols.


There was a time, when they used to say, that behind every great man, there had to be a great woman, but in our Fathers case I believe there were three. Three women who he respected and loved greatly. 

There was his mother, Britta, who GAVE him his sense fun, love of family gatherings and, I think, taught him to embrace everything expensive and glamorous.

Then there was our mother, Ingrid, who in those early Group 4 days, stood by and supported him while she was bringing up my sisters and myself.

And finally there is Susse who supported him on his long travels abroad, and who brought him closer to us AGAIN and CARED for him over the last 12 years.


However as a family there is a team of special people, who we would like to say a huge personal thank you to. They are Sue, Gina, Peter, Chris And Stan, because they have dedicated a large part of their lives in supporting JPS and us. 

You all provided JPS with a firm foundation of support which gave him the flexibility he needed to accomplish his business and personal achievements.

Although he may not have always been very good recognising what you all did, I do know that he valued your dedication and loyalty with the highest honor.


And now that I am nearly at the end of my words, on behalf of our families I would like to say heart felt thank you to you all, in making the effort to be here to day  and joining us in celebrating a truly courageous, generous, wonderful and unique man.


Was it Philip or Jorgen, Mr Sorensen or JPS even I am not sure, but one thing I am sure of is that when he answered the phone, he would say those words…

"sorensen here!"


  • Stars fading but I linger on, dear, still craving your kiss
  • I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear, just saying this
  • Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
  • Sweet dreams that leave all worries far behind you
  • But in your dreams whatever they be
  • Dream a little dream of me.

